Mission of the TRUTH book

This pdf type E-book TRUTH is available for free at truthbookbridge.net
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Mission of the TRUTH book

This book may bless Christians, but more importantly, it is meant for those
who are searching for answers to life’s questions. People who may not have a
relationship with Christ, or know that they need to believe in and accept Him
before they die. These could include people we know, and may even be
praying for. Also souls who Satan has deceived, and distracted from God’s
truth. Then burdened with circumstances that have left them with seeming no
hope, and many questions about their life, and life itself. Such person’s as,
prisoners, prostitutes, homeless, handicapped and children, who are being
distracted by worldly things and fed misinformation. TRUTH book is meant
to act as a bridge between these souls and the only real truth book, God’s
Holy Bible. Some people may not attempt to read the 1800 or so page Bible,
which could take a year or more. But may be inclined to read this book which
has only 62 pages, takes about an hour and makes the Bible’s truth’s easier to
understand. Then go on to read the Bible books of Genesis, Proverbs, John, Romans.
These four books contain all of God’s truths as does the entire Bible, that enable
anyone to understand His love and plan for them. Those truths can and do
lead people to be “born again”. Saving them from eternal spiritual death, and also
giving them new hope and purpose. TRUTH pdf E-Book can reach people
worldwide, downloaded free to pc’s then forwarded for free. Can also be read
 and translated to other languages on “smart” phones. Repentance could
save America and the World, we believe TRUTH would help. May God Bless All.

Please share your copy of the pdf type E-book
TRUTH with others. Including those on your
e-mail contacts list. At truthbookbridge.net
its free, and can then be forwarded for free.

Can  be read and also translated to

other languages on “smart” phones.
